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Anyone Else Got The Sniffles?

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Eve | 18:50 Mon 16th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
I've got the sniffles of doom though sitting near two people with bad colds at work hasn't helped :( Taken some vitamin C but think I'm a bit too late.

Am blanketed up on the sofa trying to summon the energy to go make myself a nice cup of tea.

So looking forward to my alarm going off at 4.30am...not...

How is everyone?


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Haven't got the sniffles touches wood Eve, but my alarm will also be going off at 4.30 am all this week, morning shift 6.00 am start.
Question Author
Ouch, 7am for me, just takes a while to get there (two buses), and I'm a girl so have to do the whole shower, hairwash, hair do, makeup and that :)

I like being an early bird though.

Do you wash your hair every day, Eve?
Gee, I don't wash my hair every day, but thankfully it doesn't need it.
Question Author
Yep, every morning, don't feel right leaving the house otherwise.

When I say style, I do mean in the loosest urghh it's early sense of the word though, definitely dry and tidy though :) Mine goes manky if I don't.
Me !!

Can't blame hayfever now...

I now just want to cosy up in my freshly changed bed linen, with the windows wide open.

Ibufrofen, Bovril, Sky remote here I come...bliss :D
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Awww, it's crap isn't it. Curl up nice and warm and hope you feel better soon.

I think the Crunch Creams are coming out for me :)
Ouch, 7am for me, just takes a while to get there (two buses), and I'm a girl so have to do the whole shower, hairwash, hair do, makeup and that :)

LOL, wash, shave, clean teeth and shove head under the shower head, rub with towel, comb and ready to go !.
Yont, you missed 'dress'
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Ooh, so did I haha, just as well it's gone so dark in the mornings ;)
No Yilly, I wear trousers !.
No Eve, you said, 'and that'. I knew you meant 'get dressed'.
Yont, you are too clever for me!
Snivels and sneezes over the past few days. I know I am getting a cold as my body is starting to ache.

I used to be an early bird (started work at between 3 and 5am), but work nights now. So rather than jumping outta bed and into work, I seem to have a few more hours to feel sorry for myself. Sniff sniff
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Aww, it's that time of year isn't it, getting wet then into the warm, windows closed for germs to spread and all that.

It's gone really dark here already! Hope you feel better soon too x

Ah yeah haha :) My brain is turning to sniffly mush!
Your lucky that you have a job, poor me is coming up for ten years with no work. And this is sad - not!

I came in from an afternoon at Oxfam and have been nagged non stop. Frankie has a way of making "meow" sound like an accusation. Merlin is sitting beside me sayin "eek" repeatedly.

My joints are sore but I hope that it isn't the cold or flu.

I am going fire a snooze and to hide from the beasts. Play nice kids.

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