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Toe Nail Problem

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potty64 | 06:59 Thu 19th Sep 2013 | Health & Fitness
4 Answers
Anybody know why toe nails stick to the skin and is there a cure for this?


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Where do they stick? Are they ingrowing?
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Hi pixie373, No, theyre not ingrowing - just stuck to the underneath, making it awkward to manicure as they're also rather thick.
Sounds like just the way the nail is growing - is it sort of thick and slightly wedge-shaped where a 'normal' nail would be sort of spade shaped?
If so, join the club. I file this type of nail down on its face so it looks like the others, seal it with clear varnish and then polish it. I don't think it's an ailment or needs curing, it's just how it is.
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Thx for the info Mosaic. Shall persevere with the manicuring tho I sometimes wonder if there is some kind of vitamin deficiency but I'm not losing sleep over it!

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