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Better Or Worse? (2013)

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AB Editor | 08:37 Mon 02nd Sep 2013 | Society & Culture
20 Answers

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The world is...

  • Getting Worse - 48 votes
  • 68%
  • Getting Better - 14 votes
  • 20%
  • On An Even Keel - 9 votes
  • 13%

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Question Author
We've asked this question before, you could read the answers here:

But really we'd like to know how you feel about "the world" today, is it, on a whole, getting better, worse or kind of muddling along in its own way?
Question Author
This is otherwise known as the ABGI (Answerbank Grumpiness Index) :)
Do you mean like .... globally.... or just my experience within it?
How do you even begin to measure this?
My own little world is on an even keel. I am not sure about the planet.
Question Author
I think you just ask whatever your internal social-barometer says. Weigh it up on your scales, it you're a libra, or squint at the horizon and make a whistling noise that plumbers use to estimate that, yes indeed, "that'll cost you".

It's a general question without scientific implications beyond comparison to the previous results.

Question Author
And I guess I am asking "as a whole" how is the world getting on - but remember, you're part of it so you can factor in your own weight and heft into the equation :)
I used to think that we were like Star Trek's Federation, trying to bring order to the rest of the universe, but now we seem more like one of those dysfunctional planets that the Enterprise goes to sort out. Captain Krik, where are you when we need you?
Question Author
I think the problem is that everyone talked about peace for 50 years while lining their own nests. Kirk might have been in it for his pension :)
Well AB can messengers of peace be found then, you see among the religions of this ailing world, what is religion’s record to date, History shows that religion has shared in, yes, has even been the instigator of much of the bloodshed throughout the centuries.

But One of many Bible future development is mentioned by Paul in his letter to the Thessalonians says:

Now, brothers and sisters, we don’t need to write to you about times and dates. 2 You know very well that the day when the Lord comes again will be a surprise, like a thief who comes at night. 3 People will say, “We have peace and we are safe.” At that time destruction will come to them quickly, like the pains of a woman giving birth. And those people will not escape.- 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3
How exactly will this prophecy about saying “Peace and security!” be fulfilled? You must wait and see. (Zeph. 3:8)
So is that A then goodlife, or C ?
my life is the same, as for globally, i would hate to say this, but i do not think it is getting better, not now anyway.

There is so much pressure put on children and parents.
I agree ummm, i mean exams are good, but i have always believed that their not reliable, for so many reasons, a few being that some can express themselves orally better than in writing, you dont get enough time, the questions are often complicated, one exam at the end of the year is a bit tough, current economic climate puts pressure on so many students and probably one of the biggest, examiners are hard to trust. I have known cases when they have given someone an E but on remarking they actually got a B?

In my mind that is pathetic as you are potentially ruining a childs future from your mistakes.
I don't understand the question
Compared to my childhood and the way my life have spun out it is much worse today. My parents never went out and left us children on our own, my dad worked mum stayed at home and looked after us. She fed and clothed us on dad's wage. I left school and found a job straight away, so did my own children. It is much harder for todays families to live happily together. The world is a very unstable place now. I worry about my grandchildren's future.
Well I think B, if you take a long view.
can't be getting better if you believe the Bible....
The world must be getting better, I feel sure it must be ....

Having thoroughly counted my blessings and compared them to my record of blessings from the last 3 financial years I can confirm that an upward blessing trend has been identified.

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Better Or Worse? (2013)

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