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O.m.g Tv Trauma.....

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carrust | 19:25 Mon 16th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
The TV remote has gone belly-up & it means I've got to get up, walk to the TV & kneel down to change channels.
How long can I endure this life changing torment....


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Think of it as a gentle pilates or gym session - without the joining fee, monthly contract etc...
Noooo, have you tried shaking and banging it?
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I do that every night eve;-)
Change the batteries. It's very simple to do.
with a bit a practice you can change channels without leaving your chair if you have a rubber tipped bamboo cane
rusty, I recon the Mrs has taken the batteries out c'us you didn't share your prize money with her yesterday !.
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Have changed the batteries....1st thing I did. Got a new remote coming from Virgin media.
have this bluddy cat, it changes channels while sleeping in front of TV
I don't even know where the manual buttons on my TV are! I'd be buggered without the pointer.
Apocalypse movies feature lesser traumas.

Zombies, plague, and nuclear devastation are nothing compared with ...

... the remote not working.

Clearly you must invite a friend round, and sit them next to the telly, awaiting your instructions.

But wait ... even then, they have to scroll through the channels one by one.

Carrust, there is no hope.

But on the plus side, in Costco in sunny Croydon they have some 50" LCD tellies for just £7,999.00

I can see a solution taking shape.
8 grand for a telly? Holy mother of God!!
jj, be an angel and order me three will you.
reported JJ for wanton flamboyance
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It's even worse than the world ending JJ.
I'm considering a course of counseling for deep trauma..
Tony, I'm waiting until next year when, like all new tech stuff, the price will drop to about £150.00
BTW tony, sorry to see in the paper today that Villa got beaten. I did try to send good vibes.
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Yayyyy. Got one in the post today.....I can come-off the valium & say, "there is a God after all" :-)

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O.m.g Tv Trauma.....

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