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Ar'tnoon, What's Occurin?

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Tilly2 | 17:57 Sat 21st Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
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We've changed the spec slightly to fizzy red.
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Fizzy red? Not Lambrusco, surely!
Enjoying the sunshine and gardening. Now I'm watching the Great Escape with a nice glass of cider:-)
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How many times have you seen that film, horseshoes?

just judged it ---- cupid won today
Evening Yilly, today I have mostly been cleaning the car, visited my aunt ( she's not very well at the moment ) came home and mowed the lawn, was gonna do it tomorrow but the sun was out so thought may as well do it now no fur coats or knickers involved !.

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Ar'tnoon, What's Occurin?

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