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What Soap/tv Plotline Would You Love To See?

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Eve | 17:16 Tue 24th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
Am probably asking for trouble, but over to you all haha :)


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I think fires have been over-done Ed! Makes you wonder how any of them ever get any insurance :)

In fact, rather topically, there is one in Hollyoaks at the moment.

I remember working near where they film Corrie when they did the tram crash and them having to warn people round the area not to panic due to the effects used!
I would love to have proper Yorkshire accents in Emmerdale. There seem to be to many Brookside accents at the mo and I have trouble deciphering what they're saying!

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What Soap/tv Plotline Would You Love To See?

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