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Ntlive Again

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gness | 00:04 Fri 27th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Have just returned from Othello staring Rory Kinnear and Adrian Lester. This has to be one of the most amazing theatrical performances ever.
I have never been in such a silent cinema/theatre. You could have heard the proverbial pin drop....people even stopped eating!
I'm sure the other 100,000 people watching it simultaneously in other cinemas around the world time felt the same.
If there is an encore performance...please see it. Stunning. x


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Thanks for the tip, gness - sounds brilliant. Simultaneous screenings?
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Yes - all over the world at the same time today ...

I hope the link works (fingers and everything else crossed) Gx
Wonderful !
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Boxy...I love NTLive performances but this was something else. At one point I don't think anyone was taking a indeed Desdemona wasn't!
Must be up for every award going...x

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