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cupid04 | 13:04 Fri 27th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
A couple of times recently [including just a moment ago] I've clicked subject on latest posts and my page has gone all blank except for the message:- 'Bad request.' Anyone know why this is happening?


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No...... everything's OK this end.
you've been bad, very bad
A bit earlier my view of peoples avatars were mainly crosses. Perhaps there is a spot of maintenance going on.
not seen that ... and i make the occasional bad request been naughty ?
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Not recently. [Well only in my daydreams!!!]
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Are you offering, lol, I thought you were still on holiday. Missed you putting songs on my thread!xx
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Suppose not! How old is old?
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Don't want to hurt your feelings, but no, sorry!!xx
it used to that 4 or 5 years ago,used to get it and I know there are threads about it somewhere
Jordy - leave it to us younger ones................. your place or mine Cupid?
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How quick the subject changes on these posts, lol! And for once it weren't my fault. I'm off for a daydream now. Let us know if you find link Dj Hawkes?
What a day for a daydream
What a day for a daydreamin' boy
And I’m lost in a daydream
Dreamin ‘bout my bundle of joy

Loving Spoonful

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