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Tilly2 | 17:57 Sat 28th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
89 Answers
Was that a proper song you were singing last night, or was it mild hysteria?


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Factor xx
Flying pickets song?

Nor me, Dr F.
Were you a fan of them then?
(Sensational Alex Harvey Band, that is, not the subject of that song )
Good night Psybbo, Tilly, Svejk etc- got to be up early for a run in the morning
Goodnight from me as well xx
And him.
factor-fiction yes went to see them a few times and have the cd's in front of me
I was so happy,last night,cos tilly called me sweety again, I had a spontaneous lalala.
I've had nothing but trouble all day and to cap it all off she calls me 'gobstoppers'. ;( night blumming night.
Question Author
Hello, sweety. Are you around? Obstreperous was the wrong word. I meant perverse.
Who's calling you gobstoppers? Let me know and I'll duff 'em up.

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