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I Will Never Ever Make A Promise Again,

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Jeza | 18:36 Sun 29th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
69 Answers
I broke my promise to mic and called the doctor. Mic is now in hospital and has been for a few days. He is critically ill. The GP and the hospital both gave me a right bollocking. So I now feel........ I don't know how I feel. I should have called them earlier but I promised him. He said he knew he was dying and wanted to be at home, and now the hospital are calling in social services. God what a mess.


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You know and we know that you did everything you could and more x
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Off to bed now. I hope no call from the hospital.
Dear Jeza, I can't add anything else that has'nt already been said. Take care of yourself, I have been in a similar situation to you; feeling guilt, not doing your best, letting the loved one down. Unfortunately we can't change the person we are, and perhaps we don't want to, to be caring and loving, as clearly you are to Mic is a beautiful quality. Just don't let your health suffer. I now suffer from depression because of feelings of this type. It eats away at your soul.

My heart goes out to you Jeza.

Oh and also, forget about Social Services, in my experience, they are a bunch of twerps in suits, who if the solution is not in their text books, they are totally flumoxed.

Nite nite, my love.

Nighty night jeza xxx

Jeza, I have read through many of yours and mic's posts on here. He did not want to go to hospital and he does not wish any attendance at his funeral. I believe you have done what was in mic's wishes rather than what was best for both of you. As I said on a previous thread of yours, I admire the way you kept your promise for as long as you did. However, the time came when you could no longer cope as I think you knew it might.

We should not have a go at the Social Services - they are duty bound to investigate from the doctor's referral and I hope they soon will understand why the situation came to such a pivotal point.

I pray that you and mic have a restful night. God bless.
jeza i have just read this and can only send you and mic my very best wishes and all hopes that he will come home to you. but you know he is always with you in your heart and thoghts. xx

can think of nothing to add. xx
Morning, Jeza....hope you managed to get some rest and that today is calmer for you.....Gx
Jeza just picked up on this... thinking of you

When people are so sick they can say some awful things...its not really them in many cases scrambled body chemistry can do it... Don't take it to heart

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