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//No amount of money would persuade me to vote for Flappymouth Miliband and his crew. //
The Labour Party's bribes to the electorate usually take the form of policies, offers of new public services to be introduced. Things which always sound good but no-one knows exactly what it's going to cost in terms of tax revenue. We are left having to work out for ourselves whether we're going to use it, or benefit from it.
If you were promised a local library, or some other substantial public facility that your town currently lacks, would that ever sway you towards a party you hold a long-standing ideological opposition to, even if only for the single 5-year term it takes to erect the building and get it running?
Holding to your ideology and avoiding expediently voting in someone else just to gain personal short-term advantage for yourself is a stance I fully understand. If only I could persuade politicians to stop making their dumb promises though ("bribing us with our own money" as some Americans like to call it) then I'd feel I'd achieved something useful.
A £600m giveaway, at a time when the National debt needs to be paid down as fast as possible, is just irresponsible. Even more so when there are no shortage of people, like yourself, who will be voting for the Tories, regardless of any offers of a tax break.