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Yikes And Phew

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joggerjayne | 22:28 Tue 01st Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Late equaliser. Got away with a draw.


Good evenings, everyone ??


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Wotcha jj xx
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Yo, minters x x x

How are things?
Good jj...much better apart from wee bit sore on the tootsies !
Question Author
Could be worse, then, Zacs!
Question Author
Ouch, Minty!

Same for Boro. Yeovil are struggling and they face each other on Saturday, down by the Riverside. What a dilemma.....
Question Author
Dilemma, why? x
I follow both. Born on the banks of the Tees and an honorary Glover. Football wins.
Question Author
Ah, okay.

Just hope it's a good game, then?

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Yikes And Phew

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