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Am I Not Wanted In Northants?

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gness | 21:40 Tue 01st Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
57 Answers
I saw a specialist today who has suggested I take up swimming, cycling and go out twice a day....He has a great sense of humour....hmmm!
I sold the house with the swimming pool and am blowed if I'm digging another. I gave away my bicycle when I moved to the top of this hill.
But...I've decided buy another bike and to take his advice about I googled...places to cycle safely in Northants.....
It has given me a route starting in Market Harborough and finishing in York Road...Greater London....
I set off tomorrow....☺


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Always do better than the kettle gness
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Calais??? When I can't find Maidenhead....;-)

Hi Ann....once hired a boat there for a day trip as thanks to a group of friends...Fizz and all the trimmings....five minutes into the trip a bloody great tree fell across the canal in front of us....
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Now you're talking, Baldric.....I'd bring a bottle but on a bike?..Best not..☺
Why are the words "doom" and "disaster" springing to mind?

Whoever suggested orange spandex is an idiot. You want emerald green.
You've actually got loads of great places to cycle round there Gness! Usually you can pick a reservoir and head along the small roads to get there.

If you'd actually like some safe, nice routes drop me an email.
Ed, please sort out your tremor, it makes us feel queasy every time we look at you :-)
ABEditor - you do realise that Gness cycling around a reservoir will ensure that she will inadvertently incorporate a swim into the cycling?
I have never known a woman so accident prone
Should be fixed shortly Boxtops.
Gness can fit a waterski to the front of her bike, also an ejector seat....
I can already envisage what will happen.....
Oh, also, there's this:

I've cycled much of it - it's mostly wonderful.
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Ed...thank you...not only for the offer of information which I will take up but for having the faith in me that certain other people here don't have....Just what can go wrong?.......Quiet Chill!!
I have given it much thought overnight...looked in the mirror this morning and exercise is needed....I get bored easily so cycling seems the obvious answer. I'm quite looking forward to it now...☺
I am going to have to look at buying a bike that I can transport in my car which sounds daft but no way on God's earth would any sane person cycle through Rothwell....x
Gness, is a fold up bike wise? You might get your fingers caught in the doings?
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Tilly, I shall drape myself seductively over the folded bike until a lycra clad man appears to help.....☻
don't overtake sir bradley, he doesn't like it
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I shall try not to, Ael...though following closely behind would be no hardship....:-)

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