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trt | 17:35 Tue 01st Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
is Ch3 showing the Celtic football game tonight for us Brits, they should just broadcast it to the Jocks in Scotland?


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I could ask the same question when matches involving English clubs are shown up here. Cuts both ways. I'd much prefer the match to be on Sky, as I can't abide Adrian Chiles, and as Spanish football is on Sky every week they at least have some knowledge of the Spanish clubs. Forca Barca!
Here's one "Brit" looking forward very much to watching it.
Both the Arsenal and Chelsea games are on Sky in you prefer them to Celtic.

If you don't have Sky then watch them online.
Ah Rafa Benitez is back in London tonight.
Watch other games when my Barca boys are playing? Perish the thought!
Mr Tilly is watching Arsenal versus Napoli.
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Excuse me, trt - but there are a lot of Scottish people living in England, who want to follow their team. And on a point of order - "us Brits"? Scots ARE Brits! did you mean "us English"?
It doesn't matter now, Celtic lost and that makes one jock very happy!And don't worry trt, by this time next year we will have the Yes vote!!
Why not ? Amateur League can be quite interesting. patriotism then ? :(

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