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Where's Zacs?

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gness | 17:58 Wed 02nd Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Haven't seen him since................ ;-


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He's about. I've just seen him. Hello, Gness.......x
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Oh good....I'm missing him......x
Don't despair, he's there.......................somewhere.
I've just seen him too.
For God's sake somebody tell her where Zac's is, cus this thread is starting to get on my t1ts.
Don't you mean man boobs?
I've told her, Sqad. Don't be so grumpy.
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Oh Yukky...I hate a guy with man boobs.

Sqad...hi lovely. I posted an update on an old thread of mine..didn't show so if you missed it I'll do it again sometime...not much to tell and I am otherwise occupied just now.....flirting with Zacs...wherever he is...x
Ah! if it was on an old thread, then I wouldn't have seen it.
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Briefly then, Sqad. I saw a fantastic consultant at Peterborough City...nice hospital.
He is redoing all the tests on my arteries but also noticed a problem with my left foot and has referred me to a neurosurgeon as there seems to be nerve damage.
I am guessing it's something to do with the fall I had...I don't think my foot has ever recovered properly from that....x
Perhaps sqad can kiss it better!
Thanks gness, that is good news, as I feel that you have had a rough shake of the dice so far.
Keep me informed eh!
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Thanks, Sqad....I came away yesterday feeling I was getting somewhere at last....He was the chap I wanted to see and he certainly lived up to his reputation.
Sqad can kiss my foot better anytime, Cupid...;-)
Zacs has answered your Yont thread..... are you going through all the names of people you haven't seen?!
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Only til it stops raining, Boxy....x
Rain? what rain?
^ I've just had to water the garden!
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Don't you dare tell me it's not raining with you....nothing but rain here today...and wind.....bit like Cupid.....☺
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Oi! ^^

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