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Gypsy Christening

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Caran | 00:14 Wed 02nd Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Just watching this. Did anyone see the mother put a cigarette in the baby's mouth? How horrendous was that?


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To be fair you don't have to be a Gypsy to find Breast feeding disgusting. Not me BTW I've Bfed all my children. The film makers are going to go out and find the most outrageous of the Irish Gypsy/ Travellers Community, just like Big Brother gets outrageous housemates. These series of programmes have been criticised by the Irish Traveller & British Gypsy/Traveller communities for misrepresenting them, and Billy Welch, a spokesman for Romani Gypsies is quick to point out that the programmes do not include any Romani Gypsies and went on to claim that these types of programmes are instigating a rise in the rate of racially motivated bullying.
From a personal point of view I'm seeing a lot of young girls trying to emulate the ridiculous clothes and trowelled on makeup these Traveller girls wear and its not a nice look (in my opinion).
I have just watched in morbid fascination, "we're a bit late" .. 3 hours!
Hate the clown-like make-up, the vast amount of flesh on show, and there is absolutely nothing endearing about their children either. Grotesque seems an apt description. (In my opinion.)
Caran, over here in Spain they have the girls ears pieced at birth, and I mean the normal people not the gypsies. They thought I was weird when I refused to have my daughter's done.
What was the programme called please?
It's called 'my big fat gypsy christening' (the original series was called 'my big fat gypsy wedding'). It's on channel 4 here.
I'd like to watch it on catch up but cannot find it, presumably because it is on catch up.

Am I being daft in not finding it or do I need to be patient?
Doh, I mean is it not available on catch up yet because it will be repeated?
I normally watch catchup after 24 hrs have gone by?
Thanks, I'm obviously being a bit hasty!
Thanks for that Mamya, I can't get catchup but can see 4seven on laptop.
Sure is worth watching.
Netibiza - my big fat ladies day is on tonight on channel 4 at 10.45.
Thanks sherrardk, but will be watching Geordie shore, so will try to catch up on internet with that one too.
I've seen the ladies day one - the seven year old preparing for first communion is something to behold.

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