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mussy1985 | 12:05 Thu 16th Feb 2006 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
how bad is a laptop for a male sprem count, do they do long term damage and how long does a laptop have to be near the genetails to cause damage


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I am not a man but I have bought a cooling fan that sits underneath my laptop. It used to get quite hot and make pink marks on my legs. They are good for cooling it down.

It depends on several factors

  1. How heavy is she?

  2. How drunk are you?

  3. Are you married?

  4. Does your wife know you are in a bar where they employ ladies to dance on your lap?

The answer to how long she has to be there before there is damage to your genetails depends on you really!!!!

get yourself a cushioned lap tray. its a sort of tray with a beanbag attache underneath. much more comfy it stops your lap getting hot, and the laptop getting even hotter from your legs

I think it was "laptop", not "lap dance" johnlambert  !

Depends what sites you are looking at!
Question Author
thanks a lot much appriected

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