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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:42 Fri 04th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
147 Answers
Friday is here! :o}

The rain seem s to have decided to go elsewhere at last. The good bit is that the windows look a bit cleaner. :o}

Have a happy day everyone.


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Morning DT. Well done mate. Cause for celebration indeed. :o}

It's a bit surprising how quickly time slips away at such times isn't it. :o}
Good morning all. I'm not usually around early mornings these days , so it's a nice change to be able to drop by and say a very quick hello. It's chucking it down here; this is PROPER Welsh raining!!! ... and dark too. Hope you all have a good day. Take care. xxx
Morning horseshoes xx ! Long time no see !
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Morning HS xxx Nice to see you. :o} Lying in time now is it. :o} I wish I could.
Morning Horseshoes - how are things with you......
I'm fine thanks. Despite what Richard Ashcroft says, the drugs DO work. Not that happy about taking them, but better than the alternative! I haven't been around in the mornings so much these days because I don't do my stall at the booty. I just work one day a week in a lovely little antique shop:-) I LOVE all the wheeling and dealing, I obviously missed my vocation! Years and years of working in administration:-(
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HS enjoy what you do and take it easy until all is well, then keep taking it easy! :o}

Time to be elsewhere. Have a happy day everyone. :o}

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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