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I see no reference in that short article to indicate that it was in fact a woman driving that car. The driver could actually been a man with a rather mediocre IQ.
i am a woman driver and i did enjoy it - that a man did this.

it says man in the article, the footage must have shown it was a man
Question Author
stewey, did you not play the short video? It was a man driving the car.
So, stewey, it's either a woman or a stupid man? Lol
Question Author
Fancy that. The driver was working for a dealership and at the time was driving one of their cars, apparently. He has been suspended. Damn lucky not to have been arrested.
I'm not surprised they got the details of the driver and suspended him so quickly. They had everything including the Number Plate. You would of thought that he'd of just said to his boss "I'm not driving this car like it is".

I can't condone this sort of crazy driving but at least if it was his own car and he was going somewhere important then he'd have a reason to be so silly. He's lost his job and chances are he will have been caution all for the sake of getting a vehicle somewhere. What a pillock. Just shows how reliable MB are.
Pixie, you got it:)
haha, it just shows why men are worse drivers than women - no sense of danger - think they can do anything and they'll be fine because they think they're good drivers

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Women Drivers - Enjoy This One

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