I apologies to ED this thead is inappropriate after what has happened over the past few days. I will proceed.
I came back for one reason and afterwards I have to go again.
Murraymints I've just got your card, it's probably been sat in the post box (yeah we have an old style free standing royal mail post box) all day.
The timing of your card couldn't of been any better. 2 minutes before I was severely attacked by a new rescue dog my mum picked up this evening. I can still type though.
Murraymints: The fact you went to the extent of posting something to my house is so touching to me. So much so I wanted to personally thank you here. To let people know just how thoughtful you are. I cried and I'm still crying when I read it. Thank you.
I now need to go and sort out these sodding bites on my hands and arms.
Good bye all and I'm sorry I have to leave the site but I can't keep punishing myself everytime someone says something that isn't offensive. It is me who has the problem here, no one else.
Nah not really. If I can get this dog able to communicate without its teeth and get on with the sanctuary dogs then he will stay. If not it looks like he will be another PTS.
It took 8 months for Covrig to accept me but now I can do anything I like with him. He used to threaten me constantly. I spent hours and hours sat on the floor at his level trying to get him to come to me just so I could stroke him. You don't need to give rewards or use food as a method of gaining trust.
sherrardk: Can you tell her I've responded to her email. I did it yesterday. I've sent it from [email protected]. I don't use the one that she emailed me on much. Thanks