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Fleetwood Mac

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slinky.kate | 11:05 Fri 04th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
went to see them last night in the new hydro,What a show,they played for 2hrs.40mins.the sound was so good,a great venue.


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I saw them many years ago. I was wondering about going to see them again but decided that without Christine McVie it wouldn't see quite right. But Lindsay Buckingham is back so maybe I should go.
Not as good as Peter green' s Fleetwood !
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you should have went it was a great night.
Yes, it's a shame Peter green won't be joining them. I have an old compilation album with Need Your Love So Bad and all that stuff- brilliant
i think most fans would agree that Mac before and after P Green are to separate bands sharing the same name.

Both wonderful, but very different from each other.
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the HYDRO made a great difference to the sound,it holds 12,000 people and it was a sell out,my next concerts are bob Dylan and black Sabbath,i go to the lion king next week in Edinburgh.i decided I was going to enjoy my money so I am spending it on stuff I like to do.
Lucky you, I've often thought that I could have been born someone else it would be Stevie Nicks, so beautiful and great songs and costumes to wear on stage - rather not have had her drug and relationship problems though.
I am also a Fleetwood Mac fan & by happy coincidence this week's
Spectator crossword FM was themed around 4 of the group's best known albums.
Oh I am so jealous. I love the band and have never seen them live
Forever associated with BBC F1 coverage ....
I would have loved to be there! I'm going to two gigs at the hydro in November. Can't wait!! Were you sitting or standing? x
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erin sitting(disabled seating)everyone at the front put their seats up and stood.are you sitting up in the heavens?.i hope you don't suffer from vertigo? who are you going to see?i had a brilliant seat,could'nt have been happier,
Queens of the Stone Age and 30 Seconds to Mars and I'm standing at both! They're four days apart and I've got the Lion King and my birthday that week as well!! :D So excited!!
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when you seeing the lion king,i am at(next sunday) the matinee on sunday afternoon.son has got tickets for queens of the stone age,17th nov.
I saw QOTSA at the Roundhouse in August, they were utterly awesome!

If you are interested - their drummer is the cover star of the November issue of Drummer magazine (other rather rubbish percussion titles are available) and I wrote the feature!! I am so proud of it!!!
Aw wow Andy! I'll have a look out for it! As you probably already know, I do love drummers! Haha!

I'm seeing QOTSA on the 16th, Kate, and The Lion King on the 21st of November. 30STM on the 19th and possibly Travis on the 17th now! Busy busy!! :D
Love FM have rumours, play it now and again, love everything on it. Albatross especially.

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