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Mrso...i Have Found It!

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gness | 16:57 Fri 04th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
60 Answers
The care home for us! Really impressed with the one I have chosen for Mum.
Nice place and staff and....they have one of the sitting rooms decorated and furnished as a 50s/60s room.....okay I know you are much younger than me but they will update.
I asked the manager what sort of music they played for get togethers in this room.....If I'm on duty...he's The Beatles...but whatever takes your fancy.
Heavy metal...Luke Kelly....Rod Stewart?........
Of course...he said....though I am having trouble stopping two very elderly ladies who come in to help playing war time songs....Don't people realise that the people coming in here now were once teddy boys, mods and rockers.
Lord...I felt old.
He asked me to come and look at the pictures on corridor walls.....I remember the days when I would have been asked to look at etchings...Ah well.
Elvis...Beatles...Stones...Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn in a draught.
Such a change from the twee ones I have seen elsewhere...

So I have put our names down.....first floor...sharing.....okay? ☺x


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And you know what happened to him, Tony.....☻
Gness, why dont you and Mrs O start a care home for ABers who want to age disgracefully.I'll sign up now,as long as I can help choose the male staff.
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Choose away, Giveup...I'm all for growing old disgracefully.....☺ x
If you are coming down here don't forget to let me know. Struggling with kitchen fitters ,mess and dust at present. (Why does everything take twice as long as they promise) Could do with a good laugh.
..I'm all for growing old disgracefully.....☺ x

So am I gness, in fact I'm practicing right now !.
What are you doing Tony?!!!!!
Just practising in general, giveup. Why what did you think I was doing lol.
Question Author
Practicing, Tony? Thought you had it off pat......;-)

Giveup...I am heading down to Honiton in a couple of weeks...will let you know when....The daughter called tonight...with a list of things she needs help with....from plumbing to gardening so I shall need a break! x
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And if you ask me who Pat is I will smack you!

Question Author
Practicing, Tony? Thought you had it off pat......;-)

gness, has you well know there is always room for improvement. Practice makes perfect !.
I know youv'e been to Ireland, gness, but which Pat are we talking about ;-)
Look forward to it Gness. Tony I'm watching Airport 77,how exciting is that.
I thought it was a comedy when I turned on but it was the wrong Airplane.
Bloody hell, is that the one with George Kennedy flying a jumbo jet, giveup ?.
James Stewart is in it. I'm "giving up" and going to bed.Goodnight. More workmen tomorrow.
G'night then giveup, sleep well and good luck with the workmen.
Question Author
Night, Giveup....x

Tony...god help us if you get cheekier with age....x
Sign me up at once Gness! x
Question Author
Done, MrsO....the handy man seems nice and perky too......☺

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