oh my. is it any wonder, is your son any better today masma ? id say find a quiet room in the house, have a cup of tea/wine, and stay on AB for a while, there is always someone to talk to, is it too late to get some air in the garden ?
Breathe in and out of a paper bag if you have one, for a minute or two. Or even cupped hands. I saw you've been having a hard time recently. It's stress.
Anne... he's home, not quite 'with it' yesterday but more so now. he feels really poorly, very cold and achey but I guess that's to be expected. I just feel very sad and up-tight. He is the kindest soul (not just me saying that) it's heartbreaking to see him struggling.
its so awful for you all, as I said earlier there is always someone to talk to on AB,why not have a look on mamya's music thread, they even take requests, I hope you sleep well. go and pick a favourite song, then im off to bed, anne.