@Sqad Your tetchiness is showing, Sqad :)
"No, this is a stupid thread that would be appropriate in Jokes OR Chatterbank."
Its not stupid at all - its a news story and thats what this section is for - to comment on news stories.
MPs and their expenses is an important issue, a principled one. I am anti-tory, true, but I despise any and all politicians, whatever their political hue, that fiddle their claims at the nations expense. The Telegraph article, which was published at around the same time looked at the far more serious issue of nepotism, which is more interesting and serious an abuse,I think.
It's just fascinating that an MP/Cabinet Minister would detail a claim for 3p when they enjoy salaries of around £140K per annum.
The original expose of MPs expenses a year or so ago now, carried in the Telegraph, highlighted the abuse at the different ends of the scale ; On the one hand, Ornate Duckhouses and bills for heating the private swimming pool; On the other, claims of 70p for Mars Bars, or £1 or something for dogfood - and now this, 3p for a nothing distance.
As to why they picked Liam Fox - well, it might be a sign of bias by the BBC; or it might be that he has had form in expenses irregularities.