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Good Morning

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maggiebee | 03:44 Sat 12th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
90 Answers
Good morning folks. Never posted at this time before. Not just up, just finished a shift and off to bed now.


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time to be motoring! Have a good day all.
Bookay Dee bookay ! ! ... I know someone who does that too, he puts the hose on and vacuums the cracks between paving on patio ! How anal is that ?
Bye DT xx
Have a good'un DT. :o}

Vacuuming the garden? The mind boggles!
Well don't think we'll see the others today Boaty I'm off to start my day...see you tomorrow ! Xxx
Good Morning all from a wet and miserable Leics. No plans for today tv recording catch up I think. Have a nice day all.
Just caught me Wendi...Morning xxx
Morning all - big family wedding here this afternoon, keep your fingers crossed that the rain stays away until around 3pm, please!
Have a happy day minty. xxxxx

Morning wendi. xxx That's my sort of day too. :o}
Morning boxy xxx Will do.

Now I must go and get the day kick started.

Have a happy day everyone.

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Good Morning

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