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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:55 Sun 13th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
Sunday. Yesterday couldn't make it's mind up, a mixture of rain and sunshine. I wonder what today has in store. Dry at the moment.

Not a lot to do today. Makes a change!

Have a happy day everyone.


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I know what you mean mazie. :o} Vera always used to say that. She was a good cook, but didn't really enjoy it. I've always enjoyed cooking. I go into the kitchen, open a bottle of wine and then decide what I'm going to cook. She never knew what she was going to get. :o}
Bit quiet here again....not heard from a lot of the usual crew for a bit. inter alios ...Albs...
Question Author
That's right minty. Do you think they've been abducted by aliens or fallen down a drain whilst under the influence? :o}
Or gone into hibernation ?
Mine is useless in the kitchen, a slice of toast and that's about it! Xx
Mine doesn't know we have a kitchen !
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Hibernation. A good possibility minty! :o}

mazie so you are the cook then. Persuade him to take you out to dinner at least once a week! We used to go to the TA at least once a week.
Have to get into shower now...Will come back shortly after seven if I win the fight with mum's wireless router !

Safe journey mazie ..look forward to seeing you soon...keep checking mail !

Will do Minty. Taking the IPad, if I can get it off the Kids! LOL he's Scottish Wbm and doesn't like spending his money on restaurants.. Right I'm off. Xxxxx
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See you later minty xxx

mazie you're away shortly too are you not?
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Have a great time mazie. See you when we see you. :o} xxxxx
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See you all tomorrow. :o}
morning all mazie have a great time, minty don't work too hard its a day of rest supposedly, are you okay boaty no tasks today ? minty I too am freezing cold went to the crem yesters in a big warm coat and people on the bus were out in cardigans, but I could not get warm at all. Its raining here and looks like its set in for the day apart from going to the spooky church tonight I shall stay home.
Morning all.....wee bit of rain here but it has now stopped. Was going to finish the grass shaving and 1st round of leaf removal/disposal......three to go.

Otherwise I may have to go and find a pint......
what boaty meant is that they used to visit their kitchen once a week, the rest of the time in the TA.
Morning WBMXXX and all gloomy here too and yes I agree dinner tastes better when someone else cooks it . Taking my friend to look at a puppy today ,Thank goodness it is on the ring road as I don't like driving through Leicester .Looks pretty straight forward but I could still get lost. Have a nice day all.
Hey, guys ... x x x

Happy Sunday, everyone.

Morning everybloody.
The windows are spattered with rain and the wind, whilst not exactly howling, is blowing the trees around. Ah well I suppose the farmers need the wet stuff.
Morning Boaty and all....I live to fight another day...postponed my Segway adventure til spring. Rain, gales and yours truly on one of those didn't bode well....xx
Morning to all that have joined since my last post..xxxxxx..couldn't reach server till mum's ...toasting hot could grow tomatoes here !

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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