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M11 Just South Of Junction 6 M25

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peachybabe | 22:36 Thu 26th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Does anyone know what it is that they are building here? Its right beside the motorway, and seems to consist of a number of concentric circles made of banks of soil, with a line of white stuff sitting ontop of each circle. My first thoughts were that it could be a pagan ritual circleof some kind! Its driving me mad! Does anyone know what it is?


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Archaeological excavation perhaps ?

Subsoil chalk ?
just found this..........??

Between September and November we will be installing eight new super span gantries and two MS3 signs.

The new gantries will span the entire carriageway, the MS3 signs are hockey stick shaped signs installed on the verges. To allow us to erect the gantries we will be closing the anti clockwise carriageway between junctions 6 and 5 overnight on a number of occasions and the clockwise carriageway between junctions 6 and 7 overnight on 30 November. Please see the "journey impact" page for full details and the "map" tab for an outline of the diversions.

I could be wrong, I mean it is late, but the M11 is North of London, and
M25 Junction 6 is South of London in the wilds of Kent
nergh, Baldric, J6 is near Clacket Lane......
I know where you mean peachy, passed it the other day and wondered what the hell it was. It's on the M11 southbound after J6 on the RHS isn't it?
Doh, that would make it on the northbound side of M11 between London and J6 (M25 J27)
Anybody find out what this is yet?
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I have even phoned the planning dept of the local council there, and they didnt even know!

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M11 Just South Of Junction 6 M25

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