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Bleurgh.....disturbed Sleep

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Tilly2 | 09:18 Sun 13th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
I have had one of those nights when I have been waking up and seen every hour on the clock. 1.30, 2.15, 3.20, 4.17 etc. etc. Normally, I go to bed at 10.00 pm and wake again at around 7.00 am.

I'm going to be yawning all day.


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I'm a bit like that tilly....I want to bladder doesn't !! Lol
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It wasn't my bladder, minty, although I did get up once. I think it was my brain.
: 0

You've started me Tilly ?
i have them most nights but i refuse to look at the clock as this seems to make it worse..
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Sorry, nessie. I know it's contagious.
Did you start worrying about all the things that you can't do anything about anyway? I do that, most disturbing. Have a siesta this afternoon!
poor you, I slept solidly for almost five hours.
I have a digital clock by my bed and I made faces out of the numbers when I can't sleep, i.e. 11:08 makes a face (well OK I can see it anyway!!)
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That might have been it, neti. Night time 'What if's?
I have nights like that usually when I'm suffering from anxiety/stress or when I am ill.
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Some people seem to survive on very little sleep. Cupid, for example. She never seems to have any sleep.
Maggie Thatcher hardly slept
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I expect she had a lot on her mind, jno.
she figured not sleeping gave her time to do more. I think she only needed 4 hours a night. About what I got last night and yet somehow I do not feel I am in a fit state to run the country.
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Do you normally have very little sleep, jno, or was last night a one off?
Tilly, I usually sleep 6-7 hours but it's often unsettled because of my years on late shifts. Not being able to get back to sleep after only 4-5 hours is fairly unusual, thank goodness.

I may just go and roam the streets biting people until I feel better.
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You could just bite people on here, then you won't get wet. It's piddling down where I am.
Just little nips though.
Make a 'things to do/worries' list before going to bed. Sometimes worries can seem less of a problem when on paper.
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Thank you, TTG. I'll try that and see if it works. The thing is I don't feel worried or anxious,................. until I wake up at 1.30 am.

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Bleurgh.....disturbed Sleep

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