My advice is to get a Yorkie. Mine sits underneath the letter box, every morning, waiting for my Postie to arrive. When he does, I am alerted by a cacophony of barking and growling, loud enough to wake the dead !
My advice is to get a Yorkie. Mine sits underneath the letter box, every morning, waiting for my Postie to arrive. When he does, I am alerted by a cacophony of barking and growling, loud enough to wake the dead !
Yes you need to put one on the door saying, "If I catch you just posting a card instead of delivering my parcel I'm going to kick your arse all the way back to the depot". Maybe a CCTV (real or dummy) that follows movement by the door might help too.
DJHawkes, that reminds me of a farmer I was talking to years ago, about his Clydesdale horse.I asked him the horses name and he replied I don't know what his name is but we call him Dobbin.