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Fao Barmaid

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rowanwitch | 08:07 Fri 18th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Friend request didn't reach me

Hardly ever go on facebook

happy to help though can swap throwaways if you like


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[ an aside ]

Hello Rowan (and indeed Redman)

I was in the PO Vaults during the week - if you're in there soon please try the Mauldon Blackberry Porter - a very fine ale indeed.

Bottoms Up

D xx
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Barmaid Message to your throwaway

Dave It was described by the bar person as strangely disappointing.... and I'd already suffered from Coastal Erosion in the Welly and Redman found a perky little 6% to try instead (in there yesterday)

Cheers Dears

Bog off Sqad LOL got your post "pulled"...............why?
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It had an email address on there for Barmaid, perhaps she did not want all of sundry emailing her!
trigger...I hope she has a large screen PC.

helen......ah! right.
Thank you, Ed for removing my post.

Sqad - FGT is correct, it had my throwaway in, but RW and I now have email contact and she has very kindly agreed to help me.

Trigger, I don't really want to think about that..............

There are some very talented and kind people on AB and every now and again more direct contact is needed. I know some people dont like the FAO threads, but sometimes they are very valuable. Long may it continue.

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