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Is There Anyone Not Doing Crosswords.........

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Tilly2 | 17:31 Sun 20th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
44 Answers
or puzzles? My head is aching.


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Another cold I think , sibs. That's why I'm grumpy.
Good thought, Tilly, good thought !! Try some hot lemon and honey for the cold, add whiskey for really fast results ie knock out, I'll try for some shut eye xx
time flys when crosswording,OH went out am,back for lunch1330 hours then a visitor,the he out for eve with his OBOS,his usual sunday.little bigs,who's not so small,in & out now @ his grans(gran minding)sowill finish here for a while & play loud music to wke up next door
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Time for tea here. Enjoy your evening, everyone.

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Is There Anyone Not Doing Crosswords.........

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