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Ab Ed On British Gas Advert.

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netibiza | 16:32 Sun 20th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Have just sen the British Gas sdvert for unblocking the drains, and there is a little AbEd swirling around in the dirty water! So sweet.


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Eventually it will, Francis....with luck and a fair wind....x
16:53 Sun 20th Oct 2013
Looking after our world, eh?
How much notice does Ed have to give you, Neti?....☺
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Well, you won't find the Ibiza Ed doing anything as common as that, I can assure you.
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Notice??? Haven't even had any dinero yet!!
Really?? Oh well carry on then, neti.....x
You lot do realise that this conversation makes no sense at all, don't you!!
Probably looking for his rod, lol!
Eventually it will, Francis....with luck and a fair wind....x
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Uploaded with [URL=][/URL]

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Useless article!! (moi)
That's why he's not sorted out zacs yet then - he's rodding......
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See? I am Ab's 2nd gnome!
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psybbo, thanks how did you do that, internet here today is rotten, I think the wires are melting in the heat.
Oooo...Neti! We'll have a drooling Ed now....x
Loving the new avatar, Ibiza Ed !.
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Well can't make enough money as Ibiza Ed, so have had to take up gnome dancing!

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Ab Ed On British Gas Advert.

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