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Good Morning Earlybirds

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Dee Sa | 06:51 Sun 27th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
never thought I would be the first this very morning ! I know how early it is for me, but does my body clock ? naaaah of course not.
Well all is calm here, its been raining but the winds have long stopped.


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Good morning all, where are the usual suspects?
boaty's away on the lash somewhere psybbs, the otherss may just be lost somewhere in the extra hour
Good morning all
Sunny day here in Guildford Surrey but a bit windy - worse to come I think
Are you on 'dry' land sloopy and safe?
yes thanks psybbs, sat map looks like we'll miss it though I won't be out in the dinghy this afternoon - you?
dry, sunny, just a bit windy on the north coast
Late good morning from me mum's and her router has been refusing to play...had to reboot everything...
Morning everyone x
Quite bright and sunny here at the moment. Bit of a breeze though.
Bright sunny but damp here....all you doon there batten Doon them thar hatches x
Hi minty and pixie, everything ok at mum's, minty?
Just spent an hour battering them down - some firelights and batteries to get, a coffee in hand now and maybe some more database construction, once I get the 'motivation'.....
All is well done xx..trying to give instructions on iPad use !..

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Good Morning Earlybirds

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