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Wind Speed Map Of Uk

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Ann | 21:45 Sun 27th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
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Wish I hadn't looked. Gusts at 64MPH forecast for midnight.
fantastic ann
I don't understand it

Actually that sounds about right: it's raining quite hard but no gales at all.
couldn't forecast my post code
31 gusts tomorrow.....
it's going to be 50mph plus (or minus) for a while after midnight but about normal by morning.

Can't believe there are people out there setting off bangers in the rain.
About 30mph for Manchester way too! I'm thinking a brolly may be a bit pointless!
in the centre of Manchester - Newton Heath there is very little blowing in the wind - nothing much other than the usual gun fights....
Question Author
It's an excellent guide - looks as if Kent is bearing the brunt of it at the moment.

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Wind Speed Map Of Uk

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