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TWR | 10:22 Sat 26th Oct 2013 | Technology
11 Answers
Is the cheapest mobile Network provider? what's your views regards O2?


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tesco mobile
I think it depends on what you want on your phone, also cheapest might not give you the best cover.
I don't know who the cheapest is. I am with O2 and have been for many years as they have the best network coverage in my area. They have always been helpful when I've had to phone them, their call centre is in the UK.
I'm with Virgin as the majority of people I call are with them so I get a very cheap rate, coverage is excellent.
Question Author
Thats who I'm with Daffy, just returned from H.K.& OZ to a £180 phone bill, So called roaming.
Are you wanting a cheap deal for UK use or a good deal for use overseas?
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Sorry for the delayed answer Eccles, No, that overseas trip has finished, it was the bill I came back to that annoyed me £180.
we're with 02, have been for years and see no reason to change, good coverage, good service. The roaming charges are clearly laid out. What does catch OH out sometimes are the GPS location charges when he's outside the UK, but you can switch that facility off.

Any help TWR ?

Good bit about turning off SData Roaming
Good link, baldric - our 02 packages allow us to use our UK allowances from Europe.
Question Author
Thank you Baldric & all that replied, very informative Baldric.

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