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Ed, What Do I Do Now??

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netibiza | 08:38 Tue 29th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
My little island is now closed until May 2014, am I still Ibiza Ed, am I still getting paid, or do I have to go on the dole??


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I got told it was all pro bono :( the story about the elephant, made me laugh! I think your a bit of a rascal.x
You can close an island ???
Neti, you can spend the closed season learning how to shout "trolls" in 43 different languages :-)
Oh, have no idea! Just before he died MrG said he's had more fun since marrying me than he ever imagined......think it was the morphine because when he was well he used to hold his head in despair!....☺
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Yes jj, we close the island to all guirres, we have to have our own halloween parties don't we jno!

Ab Editor if I hang around the corners, it'll be me swearing, there no money in corner hanging these days.

Think I'll design my own Ibiza Ed uniform for next season.
this should get you into all the best clubs
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Tilly, no whip rounds please, had them all summer and I've still got the scars.

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