the public, me being one are not thick, however what the banks did wasn't just mis-selling but in my eyes fraud, they should be held to account, many people had been talked into having like Barclays additions to their accounts, most of which were useless, as some have found out, like insurance, so the added cost of your current account, may well have cost the customer without their knowledge, not discussed with the customer at all, as one chap discussed on a news report, think it was watchdog last week. He was completely unaware of the bank having taken money from his account over a five year or more period for what they termed extras on his main account, it was only after thorough checking that he discovered just how much they had taken over that period. One could say he should have been more vigilant, but the fact remains that the bank should have spelled it out clearly in writing what his charges were for the account, they didn't, and he eventually got his money back, a small fortune for him, running into thousands of pounds