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marval | 16:27 Tue 29th Oct 2013 | Jokes
7 Answers
David Cameron’s car arrives at Downing Street, and he gets out carrying a piglet under each arm.

At the door, a policeman standing to attention salutes.

The prime minister says, "I'm sorry I can't return your salute but my arms are full."

The policeman replies, “Yes, I see the pigs sir."

To this Mr. Cameron says, "Oh, these aren't ordinary pigs, these are genuine Gloucester Old Spots."

The prime minister continues, "I got one for Nick Clegg and one for Ed Milliband."

The policeman says "Yes sir that was a good trade."


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So now Cameron has a pig for his deputy - how appropriate.
Why has marvel upset muslims? Surely they would love a joke which is derogatory to the government. tee hee and lol by the way, marvel.
Telling porkies again, marval? Still, it's a crackling good joke.
At first I thought that the policeman was going to say that he was saluting the pigs, not the PM, but the joke is best as it is.
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