Cat pee problem in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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Cat pee problem

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ShelleyS | 11:53 Sat 23rd Aug 2003 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers
We moved into a new house about 4 weeks ago, and my youngest of my 2 cats has started to pee where she shouldn't. She usually uses the cat litter tray, but has now gone behind the TV, in the laundry basket, on the door mat and on my boyfriend's jeans that were on the bathroom floor! She never had this problem at the old house, so any ideas? Her wee also smells really strong so I'm wondering if she's just getting caught short and has something up with her, or if she's just being a little swine and needs a smack!
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best to go the vets and get your cats checked out and no cat needs a smack,
My cat did the exact same thing. I was told (by my vet) it was because of the shock of the move, and that she was marking her territory. Suggestions to stop this included putting litter trays in all the places she has been weeing, and then gradually moving them nearer and nearer to the point you actually want the litter tray at; when you clean the wet patches, don't use products including amonia as this will encourage her to wee there again; sit tight and wait - she should stop eventually. My cat did, but it took several months and, even now, I find the odd wet patch when I'm least expecting it! Oh, she also used to poo in unusual places but, thankfully, that's stopped too! I know it's frustrating, but smacking her probably won't help in the slightest. Good luck!
have a bit of patience. cats like routine, so the upheaval will have been quite a trauma. i just moved 4 weeks ago and now and again ive smelled pee,but cant track it down, and my cats would never do that normally. has she got access to outside yet?
and i echo the sentiment, never hit a cat.
Maybe she needs to learn where the new litter tray is! best thing to do is if you see her in that "postion" when shes about to pee, quickly move her to the new litter tray or if she looks funny push her along to it...just so she gets the idea.
Cats really hate the smell of pepper,so if(while you are doing all the above litter tray moving)you sprinkle pepper where she already peed it will discourage her from going there again.DONT HIT YOUR POOR CAT!!!!!!!!!!

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