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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 06:44 Mon 04th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
129 Answers
Monday. Calm again after lots of rain during the night. That's fine by me! :o}

Have a happy day everyone. :o}


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Aldi have lots of goodies in too !
Question Author
They have indeed. I use them both.
I have my 'sources'......Smith Woodhouse at £16 and a steal......

Have to be dashing....bye all.
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Have a good'un DT. :o}
Bye DT..xx
Question Author
I must be away too.

Take care minty. xxxxx

Have a happy day everyone.
Bye Boaty xx me too...painter here !

Morning all, N/Kent is cold, wet and windy this morning, I've just got in,
with the dogs am also cold, wet and wishing it wasn't so windy,
coffee is brewing, shower (hot this time) is calling
Have a good day all.
So finally over the malaise thats screwed my holibangs....hopefully! Couple of days left back home Wednesday. Its been lovely all the same, hope you are all behaving badly anyway.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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