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Pedestrianised Street

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sigma | 09:32 Mon 04th Nov 2013 | Motoring
4 Answers
Where in London have the defined pavements been removed along with road markings so that traffic and pedestrians mingle freely.


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could it be this one
09:43 Mon 04th Nov 2013
Bexleyheath , near where I live. Recently opened and we're all waiting for the first pedestrian to be injured - or worse.
No idea, but they did this in Ashford (Kent) about two years ago. Despite all the predictions, the accident rate is extremely low.
Is this like the thing the Dutch tried?

I think the psychology is that, on regular streets, drivers expect pedestrians to "stay on the pavement", out of their way and drive as fast as they think it's safe to do so.

When you change the rules and give everyone equal priority, they change behaviour, become protective about people crossing their path, slowing down and becoming more alert.

If you cycle along Oxford street, the pavements are densely packed with people and, because the bike is silent, people will not stop to look before dashing to that shop, opposite. The rider/driver will not see the sideways pedestrian movement until they're beyond the edge of the pavement.

In a pedestrianised zone, the crowds can spread out and you get more advance notice that someone else's path is crossing yours, giving you more time to slow down or stop.

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Pedestrianised Street

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