I am bisexual.... a lot of my female friends have had at least on e sexual experience with another girl. I have had quite a few and a couple of relationships with females. I have settled with a man but I cant figure whether that makes me heterosexual.
I have had a sexual experience with a woman but I am very definitely straight.
Just think women are happier with their sexuality and therefore quite happy to do the no fuss fumbling with other girlies. Not that we lust after it, we're just not bothered if it happens.
I think most 'straight' women have at least tried it once or had some kind of experience of it. Usually under the influence of alcohol!! As far as dreaming and fantasising about it? Doubtful! Im assuming this would mean they prefer women and might as well be lesbian?
Im not being a perv or nowt on what seems like a very sensible discussion here - but I do find two attractive straight women together even just kissing looks amazing . It wud not be the same effect if thy were ugly and butch. Its I think probably just an extension of the fact that women are more xpressive of their emotions etc than us caveblokes. They all kiss and hug each other all the time. It is less significant for them to show such open affection than us blokes.