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Daily Mail Acceptability Test............

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Zacs-Master | 15:43 Tue 05th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I don't think this should be in news but I am hoping that a certain ABer sees it


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See 3rd page Think he might have missed this one
15:52 Tue 05th Nov 2013
I could have told you that the Mail hates me without taking the test...
my father hated Britain so much he didn't watch Coronation Street.
\\\\I don't think this should be in news\\\

It isn't.
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The subtleties of the English language eh sqad?
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oh bugger.
it's hard to break away from CB, isn't it...
I'm reading you five by five, jno; over and out, good buddy.
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10/10 Jno good buddy.
ps there's a smokey on your tail

All the way from Arbroath??
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No, that was a red herring Balders
I hate me,so what if everyone else does to
Yes, well, the Daily Mail is not aimed at some people. A women's magazine with some news and opinion attached, as one (Tory) journalist described it. We know, from its ABC readership profile, to whom it sells. I wonder what it will be like in thirty years, when its core readership is dead. Of course, old people have always been complaining that younger people have no proper standards, but racism and xenophobia, gut dislike of homosexuals, belief that Britain is still more than just a collection of islands in world significance. and being an active Christian, who doesn't know what pre-marital sex is and who thinks adultery worthy of comment, are all things that are dying out now.

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