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Do You Have A View As Good As This?

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joggerjayne | 15:32 Tue 05th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
I thought I had a reasonable view from my flat, but this ...

... is something else.

Just one guy, some monk type of person, lives in the house at the top. You wouldn't want to drink too much if you were round at his place!


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It's not my cup of tea, but it's rather good - so how do those people drinking on the patio get up there?
Eek !
The ladder on the side of the rock would not pass muster with H & S E methinks!!
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In his porch, I thought it was a pile of towels.
Do you have a pic of your view, jj?
how did they get the jcb up in the first place to build it?, and as for rushing down to catch the post with his crossword!!
It's a bit too open to the elements for me. The gaps between the railings on his er...patio are a little too wide apart.
.....and it's a long way to go for a loaf of bread.
Beautiful....but it makes me feel quite queasy.... :-(
3 questions how did they get the building materials up there ? and what happens when you run our of loo paper ?lastly who delivers the groceries ?

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Do You Have A View As Good As This?

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