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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 06:06 Thu 07th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
159 Answers
Thursday. We had the rain yesterday and through the night, it's caught up with us at last. That'll make the weeds grow.

A busy day today, so not much chance of getting bored.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Have a good'un DT. :o}
Bye DT xx
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Tim e I was shuffling off too. I hope it's good news Tone. It must be very distressing for you all. Bow is one of the family.
Bye Boaty xx....think it's time for me to get the paint out ! See you later...
Tone keep us informed please !
Will do, bye then minty and boaty have gud un's.
Hi, Yont. Just joining in to say I hope Bow is going tobe o.k. xxxxx
Thanks Yilly, ( fingers crossed ).

Hi tony, hope all is well with Bow
(first I'd heard about it today)
Good luck.
Thanks Baldric, we should know something very soon.
Morning all, lovely day here. Tony, best wishes for Bow, thinking about you and your family xx
Morning Psybbo, spoken to the vets, they say that the case vet has to give Bow the all clear to come home, they will phone when she's had a once over from the case vet. dunno when that will be though.
Morning, Psybbo. I don't usually join in this thread but I wanted to ask Yont about Bow.
Yont, she's going to need a lot of TLC when you get her back. I'm sure that will happen.
Hi Tilly, Tony that sounds like good news.
Yes we know Yilly, and yes it does sound like good news Psybbo.
wish they'd hurry up and phone though.
Well the vets have just phoned and they say that we can collect Bow at 10.30.
thank gawd for that !.
Good news, Yont.
Very good news Yilly, thanks.
There's going to be one very spoiled dog in the Tony household this week, great news xx
Tony, so glad for you and your family that Bow is now home. Slobbery kisses for Bow from cupid04. xx

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