“…does not indoctrinate its children, “
Sit at the back of a primary school class and listen to what the children are told about the EU. (I have).
“…allows its member states to have significantly divergent policies on foreign affairs”
Which says , among other things:
“EU Member states have committed themselves to a Common Foreign Security Policy for the European Union”
Things have moved on a little since the Iraq crisis. In particular, as a result of the Lisbon Treaty, a common foreign policy is now a “must have” for Europhles and t is extremely doubtful that individual nations would have been able to take the decisons that they did over Iraq:
“The EU's new diplomatic service - the European External Action Service (EEAS) - was launched quietly on 1 December 2010, without any fanfare.” [In typical EU fashion - by stealth, without too much publicity so as not to trouble the electorate]
“The [Lisbon] treaty paved the way for creating the EEAS and appointing its chief - the new foreign policy chief, Baroness Ashton. Her official title is High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. (How much more proof is needed that the EU aspires to a common foreign policy?)
Among other features of the EEAS:
“The EEAS, with a new headquarters in Brussels, will take charge of the EU's delegations worldwide - 136 offices of the European Commission.”
“Eventually the EEAS will have a staff of about 5,400.”
“The Brussels headquarters will be rent-free for the first two years, after which it will cost about 12m euros in rent annually.”
Do you need any more indication of that the EU’s common foreign policy aspirations, kromo? If so the BBC’s article will provide some more details.
I agree that the EU is by no means as bombastic and “in your face” as the former Soviet Union. But that makes it all the more dangerous. It does not have a secret police service (as far as we know) but it encroaches into the everyday lives of all of its citizens in the most obtrusive manner and they have no control over its apparatchiks. People have been bamboozled into believing it is a harmless barrel of fun but nothing could be further from the truth.