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No Chatterbank Nonsense Today?

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Tilly2 | 17:46 Sun 10th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
200 Answers
I can't find any.


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Exactly, Daisy. Why ever not.
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Gness..... my lovely hairdresser calls mine platinum :)
Jordyboy, have you ventured in jokes lately?
Hi Jeff, sorry, Jordy, youre looking good
don't Jordy !.
That expression, platinum, puts 30% straight onto ferlew's bill
What? No dancing?
Certainly would DT, Platinum very expensive stuff !.
I shall miss the poppies. There are some lovely poppy avatars!
I'd dance with you Daisy, but I have to go to bed now morning shift this week.
Next week at The Towers.
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Next week at The Towers.

Definitely Daisy, don't forget your dancing shoes.
Anybody got a photo of a sheep with a wine bottle and a pumpkin for Thanksgiving?
Now that does sound like nonsense, DT.
Goodnight everyone :)
DTC, I've tasked my favorite geek on it deliberate sp
I may have's to replace the popps....
Back to bangers for me

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