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Office Xmas Tree Is Up!!!

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jd_1984 | 10:11 Fri 15th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
I am no scrooge but after taking yesterday off, I returned to find my co-workers had erected our office tree. Come on guys, wait until December at least. The bigger the build up, the potentialy bigger anti climax. I am not thinking about Christmas yet!!


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I think about xmas on the 24th when I put money in cards.
only 40 days to go jd.
Shut it, B00!! ;-)
Haha, you love it really ummmm!
im ignoring xmas stuff, its only mid november for crying out loud
I have a bit of a Bah Humbug attitude to Christmas
Our tree goes up usually on the 23rd or 24th December and comes down before the New Year.
I am having to buy a new one this year as the one we have is over 40 years old and belonged to my mother. It is practically bald
my lot had a countdown clock going on a spare terminal since Jan 2nd and odd bits of tinsel are starting to appear
i can think of something to say Mrs overthere but in the spirit of goodwill to all mankind will not do so.
It has never stopped you before ladyj! ;-)
i'm feeling kind today. unwell but kind.
Awww, sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon ladyj xx

(sorry to go off the subject jd, but she started it!)
To make it more festive I have been making Christmas cards to sell so I am finding glitter in very odd and scratchy places... no squabbling girls get the mulled wine out and buy mince pies
i didn't drink any wine last night. i'll bring that bottle along. i haven't opened it yet.
thank you but it's nothing serious Mrs O just the grey weather.
HA, the xmas decs go up in sodding september at ours

i just ignore it all as usual
Just so folk can set their clocks correctly :-

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