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70 Stone Man

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Marijn | 22:05 Wed 30th Oct 2013 | Film, Media & TV
10 Answers
I was watching 70 stone man on TV last Weds. It was the first half, and the second half, I thought, was going to be on today. But where is it? What channel is it on? Thanks


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I thought the second half was in months to come?
'Saving Britain's 70-Stone Man' was the first programme in Channel 5's 'Supersized' series.

Programme 2 ("I Lost Weight But Lost My Husband!") is on now. (It started at 9pm).

Programme 3 ("Too Fat To Fly") is on at the same time next Wednesday.

There seem to be no current plans to return to the same subjects. (i.e. each programme is 'standalone')
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Thanks Pusskin and Chris, I've just found out the second part of the 70 stone man programme will be on in December. I hope I don't forget to watch it.
Apparently there is a second programme about the 70 stone man. It is a follow-up to be screened in December.
Use Marijn :) sorry
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Thank you all. "Memo to me" looks good. At the moment I don't know what date in December the second half will be on TV. Thanks again
I also hope i dont miss the catch up of the 70 stone man, on in December.

Many thanks for the update Buenchico x
I emailed ch 5 who replied saying:

We were pleased to read that you enjoyed this programme. Although an announcement that there will be a follow up programme was made on Wednesday 23rd October, Keith Martin’s treatment is ongoing and Part 2 is still in production. No transmission dates for the second part have been confirmed at the moment and depending on Mr Martin’s treatment, this may in fact be transmitted in 2014.
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Thank you very much for the info :-)

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