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My Brain Is Fuzzy Today.

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Tilly2 | 19:47 Sat 16th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
I haven't been able to do any of the Guardian crossword and I can't be bothered to answer any crossword and puzzle things on here.



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Hangover or a cold coming on?...☺
Too much hooch last night?
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A cold, I think. Dizzy and lethargic.
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Early onset dementia?

runs away very quickly
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Jordy, you can't get round me like that.

Oh, o.k. then. Fairytale of New York.
sorry if that offended you Jordy xx
Question Author
It's a cold, I tell ya, a cold! Aaachoo!
Ah hooch!

Bless you....
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mmmmm.out Friday night, feel rough Saturday, must be a cold :)
Question Author
The classic hangover from Friedday - ask JJ, she's experienced in these matters.
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I do not have a hangover. I drank only two w.w spritzers and a Tia Maria. I have a head cold.
it's the time of year when an infectious laugh is a dangerous thing to have. They seldom affect the cruciverbal parts of the brain, though.

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